How to Unsubscribe through AlertCops App
- Open the AlertCops application.
Log in to your account to access your AlertCops profile. - Go to the "More" Menu
Locate the icon with three horizontal lines in the bottom right corner of the lower menu on the screen. - Access "My Data"
Within the "More" menu, find the "My Profile" section and select "My Data," which will be the first item. - Scroll Down
Scroll to the bottom of the screen to find the unsubscribe option. - Confirm Your Choice
By selecting "Unsuscribe," confirm your decision by following the on-screen prompts.
I have not AlertCops app installed
If you don´t have AlertCops app installed in your smartphone, please send us an email to with your name and your phone number to unsuscribe.
Your Privacy is Our Priority
Here's how we manage your data within our application:
We only retain or delete data explicitly collected for the purpose of our service, necessary for the application's functionality, or required by legal obligations. This includes:
- Contact information such as email or phone numbers.
- User information like phone numbers, date of birth, gender, disability, nationality.
- Information about the user's device geolocation.
- Multimedia content sent by the user to the application.
Personal data will only be retained for the minimum time necessary for processing and in accordance with legal obligations or until the user requests its deletion. There are no plans for additional data retention, except for legal or regulatory reasons."